現在はクールカレアン株式会社(東京本社)のパートナーショップとして、KOOS, Femicite, LUIS MARI, neuf cent neuf の主要4ブランドに加え、海外ならではの感度どデザイナーの感性が反映されたヨーロッパからのインポートブランドで商品展開を行っています。
Cattleya, established in 1958, one of the leading fashion retailers in the city. We offer a well-balanced selection of trendy and basic products from carefully selected new apparel brands. |
海外への販路拡大や外国企業との直接取引を希望される中小企業の機動的海外事業部としてグローバル化戦略のお手伝いを致します。 コンサルティングのみに留まらず、企画・立案から実務まで一貫してサポートし共に実行致します。
We assist companies that wish to expand their business overseas or conduct direct transactions with foreign companies. We provide not only consulting services but also consistent support from planning and drafting to implementation of globalization strategies for small and medium-sized companies. On-site and results-oriented. And not only from the business aspects, we would also like to promote mutual understanding of people and cultures between the nations. |
世界中のアンティークや美術品をご紹介するアートギャラリー。 美術品を通じて歴史浪漫の旅をご一緒しませんか。
The culture of Nagasaki is very unique. It is like a melting pot, or the cultural pluralism, where different cultures meet and coexist with exquisite harmony, the Nagasaki Style. Born in the merchant house of Nagasaki, I would like to play with our unique culture, living in crossroad city of the cultures and people.
In addition, we can appraise and sell your artworks at home on your behalf, if you so wish. |