
Think global, act local.

企業の海外進出や販路拡大・調達先確保をサポートするための機動的タスクフォースとして、貿易実務受託を主業務としております。 経済産業省・日本貿易振興機構(ジェトロ)をはじめ、国内外の貿易振興団体や商務省・経済発展局との連携を活かしコンサルティングに留まらず企画・立案から実際の貿易実務に至るまで海外戦略業務全般を包括的に業務遂行いたします。

We support the globalization of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and aim to be a company that promotes human and cultural exchange and mutual understanding through economic activities. In cooperation with domestic and international trade and economic organizations and business experts, we provide comprehensive support for all aspects of overseas strategic operations, from planning necessary for overseas expansion, to finding sales partners and manufacturing bases, to actual business operations as your external overseas business department.

Company Profile (会社概要)

代表者:代表取締役CEO 廣瀬 生寛
本社所在地:〒850-0874 長崎県長崎市魚の町6-20
TEL:095-816-1155 FAX:095-816-1166
Email: keyact@keyact.jp
Gmail: keyact.inc@gmail.com

Business Activities (業務内容)

Ⅰ. International Trading, Marketing and Consulting

a) [海外事業開発コンサルティング業務] – Overseas Business Development and Consulting Services
主要分野: 環境・エネルギー関連システム・福祉関連製品・ライフスタイル商品等

(New and Renewable energy sector, Home medical & Welfare-related business sector)
主要対象国: 米国・ドイツ・オーストラリア・台湾・マレーシア・インドネシア・中国

(EU, USA, Australia, New Zealand, China, Taiwan, Malaysia and Indonesia)

b) [貿易実務代行業務] – Trade practices Agency Services

We work as an agency for import/export operations according to the requirements of your company.
(Comprehensive services provided including international correspondence, interpretation, translation and marketing strategy development)

c) [リエゾンサービス業務] – Liaison Services
We will sign individual contracts as a Japanese agent for overseas companies that do not have access to the Japanese market.

(Monthly Contract (Minimum 3 months ~): Fee to be discussed.)

II. Retail Service Division(小売販売部門)

アートギャラリー甲比丹 世界各国のアンティークや美術品の販売とともに、鑑定や査定、買取もしています。
[The Captain’s Art Gallery]
The art and antique gallery, all the artworks are carefully selected by the authorized dealer, a member of major art clubs in Japan. website

(長崎県公安委員会 古物商許可証 第921090000112号)
(一般社団法人 全国美術商連合会会員 会員番号2908)

Business Alliance Companies(業務提携会社)

SEEDS Company Limited. for Pediatric products (Export / Import Business)

G.T.I. & Co., Ltd.(GreenBank) for Renewable energy and BESS solution (Business Development)

Bio Harmony Co., Ltd. for SSWs Support services (Japan Domestic Workplace Search Support)

Address (会社所在地)

〒850-0874 長崎市魚の町6-20(長崎市民会館隣り・眼鏡橋徒歩2分)
TEL: 095-816-1155 FAX:095-816-1166

No.6-20, Uono-machi, Nagasaki, Nagasaki 850-0874 JAPAN

Copyright KEYACT Inc. All Rights Reserved.